Established in 2008, the Grosse Pointe Woods Foundation is an independent, all-volunteer organization eager to help fund civic projects to enhance our community for the benefit of residents, visitors, and businesses. Our governance and operations are separate from those of the city, however we seek collaborative efforts with the city’s administration and commissions, as well as our local business association, to help create and maintain the environment and lifestyle sought by current and prospective residents.
Thanks to the support of many generous donors, we have recently provided grants for:
the Phyllis A. DeMars Tot Lot and Swing Area at Chene-Trombley Park (grand opening October 21, 2023)
the equipment in the Mack Avenue Dog Park (grand opening May 11, 2024)
the new disc golf course recently installed in Ghesquiere Park (Grand opening October 2, 2024)
Congratulations to Our Raffle Winners!
Click here for more information and to check out the many fabulous prizes available with our 2024 holiday raffle fundraiser!
what’s next??
The city is developing a plan for Ghesquiere Park that includes an accessible swing area and a picnic pavilion. The proposed swing area is 30 x 36 ft and the set will have a molded bucket seat, toddler swing and a parent child swing. They have asked us for a grant to cover the estimated cost of $53,000 which includes rubber matting for safety and accessibility, cement curbing, and installation. Please consider making a gift so the swing area, indicated by the Citizens Recreation Commission as much-needed, can be ready for play soon
Volunteers needed!
Assistance is needed with event planning, public relations, membership drives, project planning and development, website maintenance, and data entry. Please consider contributing your time and talents toward bettering our community!